Days In Room Sixteen!
Days In Room Sixteen!
This is my class RM sixteen.
I know you're bursting with excitement so let's get starting!
I have been some times being doing my favorite thing which is…
We have been learning about solids liquids and last of all gases.
My class and RM fifteen have been looking at what happens when we mix solids and liquids.
My group has been mixing baking soda with oil, water, milk and lemonade.
Another subject changing ice cubes but only our class did it.
We got them mixed up with salt and stuff.
There was four and each one had a different one.
There salt, raro, sugar, and last of all plain.
On another day we did first aid.
I already know most of the stuff that mac was saying.
We did DRSABC (doctors abc if you don't know).
Down here is the meaning.
Send for help
Air way
We also did wrapping someone's arm if they have a very bad cut.
Maybe the second best but water safety day!
The day we went we used a bus to get there.
I was so excited to do all of the water safety fun.
We were split into a girls group and boys group, the girls went to the left side and boy went to the other side.
After that we got to wear life jackets, they were extremely cold because the other class was here before so they got very wet.
When I reached the pool, mostly everyone jumped in like a frog!
We had to go to the other side of the pool and do doggy paddle, we all went to the cone and when we come back we went on our back but not leaning on our back, we went back to the edge of the pool.
Me madai oliver went in pairs and hooked our hands and kicked on our backs, went to the cone and came back.
Again we were in same pairs but in different place.
When we was holding the shoulder, we went there again and back.
The best part was coming.
We went there in a line.
We went outside the pool and got in groups of six.
We tipped out of the boat.
Soon we huddled.